Volume: 20 Issue: 1, 6/30/24

Year: 2024


Science Education
Asst. Prof. Dr. Beril CEYLAN Ege Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi 0000-0002-2440-0434
Instructional Technologies, Instructional Design, Education
Assoc. Prof. Fatih YAMAN KIRŞEHİR AHİ EVRAN ÜNİVERSİTESİ 0000-0002-7425-1369
Instructional Design, Instructional Technologies, Educational Technology and Computing
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ganime AYDIN Çanakkale 18 Mart Üniversitesi
Science Education
Education, Science Education
Open and Distance Learning, Measurement Theories and Applications in Education and Psychology, Cross-Cultural Scale Adaptation, Education, Classroom Measurement Practices, Cross-Cultural Comparisons of Education: International Examinations
Asst. Prof. Hüseyin MERTOL Tokat Gaziosmanpaşa Üniversitesi
Environmental Anthropology, Rural and Regional Geography, Geography Education, Education
Turkish and Social Sciences Education, Language Studies
Dr. Instructor Kübra ŞIK KESER Abdullah Gül Üniversitesi
English As A Second Language
Education Management
Dr. Neşe DOKUMACI SÜTÇÜ Dicle Üniversitesi Ziya Gökalp Eğitim Fakültesi Matematik ve Fen Bilimleri Eğitimi Bölümü
Science Education, Education
Curriculum Design Instructional Theories, Curriculum Evaluation in Education, Program Design, Curriculum Development in Education, Teacher Education and Professional Development of Educators, Instructional Technologies
Cognitive Neuroscience, Scale Development, Cross-Cultural Scale Adaptation, Learning Theories, Instructional Design, Instructional Technologies, Learning Analytics, Multimedia Design, Memory and Attention
Ethics, Education, Linguistics, Language Studies (Other), English As A Second Language
Asst. Prof. Dr. Şeyma KÖKCÜ TOKAT GAZİOSMANPAŞA ÜNİVERSİTESİ 0000-0002-0043-1076
Sociolinguistics, Linguistic Performance Science, Language Acquisition

Journal of Theory & Practice in Education (EKU) is an online international peer-reviewed and scientific journal that aims to publish original theoretical and applied quantitative, qualitative, and mixed method research in the field of education. In addition, it also includes original compilation studies that comprehensively scan the literature. It is anticipated that the articles published in the journal will provide implications for researchers, teachers, administrators, and policymakers.

EKU accepts publications in the following subfields of education. However, EKU is not limited to the following subfields but also accepts eligible articles in other subfields related to the field of education.

  • Computer Education and Instructional Technology
  • Educational Sciences
  • Fine Arts Education
  • Primary Education
  • Mathematics and Science Education
  • Turkish and Social Sciences Education
  • Special Education
  • Foreign Languages Education

It is expected to create your document by downloading and editing the article template given below to your computer.

Article template: English_template.docx

Cover Page

Cover page has a bold title, 12 pts Times New Roman font, capitalized first letters, centered and 1.5 line-spaced. Except for the title, use 10 pts Times New Roman and 1.5 line spacing for all content on the cover. Leave a blank line after each section. The names of the authors should be added under the title with the first letters in capitals, in the middle, and with a comma between them. Institutional information of the authors should be centered. Each author must have an ORCID id. ORCID id is a unique number for each author. You can easily obtain this number from https://orcid.org/ for free. Add ORCID ids justified to the left under the author information. Then add the corresponding author information in the template. Specify the type of article (research, compilation, etc.). In the "Information" heading, add information such as "the article is an expanded version of a paper presented at a conference". If this is not the case, do not use this title. If the research is carried out with a research/project support, please indicate the institution supporting the project and the project number in the "Research/Project Support" heading. If this is not the case, do not use this title.


Create your article using the "English_template.docx" document. After you put the article in journal format, clear the author information and upload your article to the journal system. To clear personal information in the article, follow these steps in Microsoft Word. Click File > Prepare to Share > Check for Issues > Examine Document. In the window that opens, "Document Properties and Personal Information" should be checked, and all other options should be unchecked. Then click "Check". If the document contains personal information, a warning will appear. Click "Remove all" in the window that comes up. Then save the document.

    Article Title: Bold, 12 pts, Times New Roman, capital letters, centered, double-spaced.

    Abstract Title: 11 pts, Times New Roman, capitalized first letter, centered, double-spaced.

    Abstract: Between 200 and 250 words, 10 pts font size, Times New Roman, left justified, single-spaced.

    Keywords: 3-5 keywords, 10 pts, Times New Roman, only the first letter of each keyword is capitalized, left aligned, single-spaced [please give keywords in alphabetical order]

    Headings in the Text

             o  First Level Heading: 12 pts, Times New Roman, capitalized first letter, centered, double-spaced.

             o  Second Level Heading: 12 pts, Times New Roman, capitalized first letters, left justified, double-spaced.

             o  Third Level Heading: 12 pts, Times New Roman, capitalized first letters, left justified, double-spaced, italic.

    Other Explanations

o  Your article should not exceed 7,000 words, all inclusive (including title, abstract, English summary, main text, tables, figures, graphs and references; excluding English long summary and appendices, extra explanations, survey questions, long comparisons, etc.). Please use A4 size, 2.5 cm margin for the article. The writing style should be 12 point, Times New Roman, double line spacing. Each paragraph should consist of at least three sentences. A maximum of three level headings should be used in the article. The first paragraph after the title should start from the beginning of the line.

o  Beginning from the second paragraph, each new paragraph should be indented at 1.25 cm from the first line. No spaces should be left between paragraphs. For in-text citations and references, APA6 Style has been used until the end of 2021, and APA7 Style should be used as of 2022. In direct quotations, you must include up to 40 words in the paragraph as "quoted text".

o  For direct quotations of more than 40 words, you must give the quotation as a separate paragraph, indented 1.25 cm from the left, 11 font size, Times New Roman, 1.5 line spacing.

o  Table, figure, and graph titles should be arranged in 11 points font size, Times New Roman, 1.5 line spacing. The inside of the tables should be written in 10 font size, Times New Roman, single line spacing. You can create tables, figures, and graphs in horizontal page layout when necessary. You can put your tables, figures, and graphs in the appropriate places in the article, or you can place them after the references by specifying their places in the text. Do it according to the APA 6 format. Sample table, figure and graph can be accessed from the document "English_template.docx".

o  You can give your footnotes as numbered, in 10 pts Times New Roman font with single line spacing.

o  At the end of the article, there should be an Extended Summary between 750 and 1,500 words, containing only the first level headings, without any references.

In-Text Citation Examples

Explanation: The author(s) should cite their own publications in FULL, according to the rules below, and indicate with the color RED. For example: Çoruk (2017) or (Çoruk, 2017) or (Şişman, 1981, cited in Çoruk, 2017)

You can arrange your citations in the text as follows.

1 author: Şimşek (2017) or (Şimşek, 2017) – Şimşek (2017, p. 279) or (Şimşek, 2017, pp. 279-280)

2 authors: Yıldırım and Gürbüz (2017) or (Yıldırım & Gürbüz, 2017) – Yıldırım and Gürbüz (2017, p. 395) or (Yıldırım & Gürbüz, 2017, pp. 395-396)

3 or more authors: Razı et al. (2017) or (Razı et al., 2017) – Razı et al. (2017, p. 287) or (Razı et al., 2017, pp. 287-288)

If the author(s) is unclear (with the first few words of the study title): “Learning Skills” (2017) or (“Learning Skills”, 2017) – “Learning Skills” (2017, p. 46) or (“Learning Skills”) , 2017, pp. 45-46)

If the date is not known: Özbaşı (n.d.) or (Özbaşı, n.d.) – Özbaşı (n.d., p. 14) or (Özbaşı, n.d., pp. 14-15)

Quotations from secondary sources: Vygotsky (1911, cited in Tekin, 2017) or (Vygotsky, 1911, cited in Tekin, 2017) [include both works in the References when citing secondary sources. In case the old dated work cannot be accessed, only include the cited source in the References.]

Institutional citations: In the first citation (Higher Education Council [YÖK], 2017) and in subsequent citations YÖK (2017) or (YÖK, 2017)

When there is more than one citation by the same author (in chronological order): Doğan (2014; 2015a; 2015b; 2016) or (Doğan, 2014; 2015a; 2015b; 2016)

When there is more than one citation (in alphabetical order): (Arcagök, 2017; Çelik & Pabuçcu, 2016; Telli, Şahin, & Elkıran, 2015; Zümrüt et al., 2014) – Arcagök (2017), Çelik and Pabuçcu (2016), Telli, Şahin and Elkıran (2015) and Zümrüt et al. (2014)

Examples for the References List

Explanation 1: Leave one line space between the references, it provides convenience in "copy-paste" for the Dergipark Application System entry.

Explanation 2: Arrange the references in 11 points Times New Roman font, 1.5 line spacing, 1 cm hanging format.

Explanation 3: Give the sources in alphabetical order.

Explanation 4: Name all authors in studies with 1 to 7 authors.

Explanation 5: In studies with 8 or more authors, give the first 7 authors, use … for the next authors, and give the last author.


Büyüköztürk, Ş. (2017). Sosyal bilimler için veri analizi el kitabı: İstatistik, araştırma deseni, SPSS uygulamaları ve yorum (23. baskı). Pegem.

Etzkowits, H., & Leydesdorff, L. (1997). Universities and the global knowledge economy. A triple helix of university-industry-government relations. Pinter.

Translated Book

Rousseau, J. J. (1992). Discourse on the origin of inequality (Trans: D. A. Cress). Hackett Publishing.

Salmi, J. (2010). Dünya çapında üniversiteler kurmanın zorluğu (Çev: K. Yamaç). Eflatun.

Edited Book

Altbach, P. G., & Salmi, J. (Eds.). (2011). The road to academic excellence: The making of worldclass research universities. The World Bank.

Bakioğlu, A. (Ed.). (2016). 4+4+4 yapılanmasına ilişkin kapsamlı bir çalışma. Nobel.

Book Chapter

Yücesoy-Özkan, Ş., Kaya, F., & Gülboy, E. (2017). Uygun davranışları arttırma. D. Erbaş & Ş. Yücesoy-Özkan (Ed.). Uygulamalı davranış analizi içinde (ss. 274-335). Pegem.

Zeleza, P. T. (2007). Knowledge, globalization, and Hegemony: Production of knowledge in the twenty-first century. In S. Sörlin & H. Vessuri (Eds.), Knowledge society vs. knowledge economy: Knowledge, power, and politics (pp. 79-106).  Palgrave Macmillan.

Journal Article

Liversage, L., Naudé, L., & Botha, A. (2018). Vectors of identity development during the first year: Black first-generation  students’ reflections. Teaching in Higher Education, 23(1), 63. https://doi.org/10.1080/13562517.2017.1359159

Yıldırım, K., Rasinski, T., & Kaya, D. (2017). 4-8. sınıflarda Türk öğrencilerin bilgi verici metinlerde akıcı okuma ve  anlamaları. Eğitim ve Bilim, 42(192), 87. https://doi.org/10.15390/EB.2017.7318


Arcagök, S. (2016). Dördüncü sınıf öğrencilerinin sosyal bilgiler dersindeki özerklik desteği algılarının motivasyon,  girişimcilik ve yaratıcılık ile ilişkisi (Yayımlanmamış doktora tezi). Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi, Çanakkale.

Hire, V. C. (2007). Academic libraries, student expectations, and college admissions (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). San Jose State University, San Jose, CA, USA.

Conference Proceedings

Uğurlu, C. T., Ağıroğlu-Bakır, A., Köybaşı, F., Özyazıcı, K., & Yazıcı, S. (2017). Aday öğretmenlerin yetiştirilme sürecine ilişkin  görüşler. 12. Uluslararası Eğitim Yönetimi Kongresi Bildiri Özetleri Kitabı (ss. 17-18). Pegem.

Nicol, D. M., & Liu X. (1997). The dark side of risk (what your mother never told you about time warp). In proceedings of  the 11th Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Simulation (pp. 188-195). IEEE Computer Society.


OECD. (2014). OECD Factbook 2014: Economic, environmental and social statistics. Access: http://dx.doi.org/10.1787/factbook-2014-en

TÜBİTAK. (2004). Ulusal Bilim ve Teknoloji Politikaları 2003-2023 Strateji Belgesi. Erişim: https://www.tubitak.gov.tr/tubitak_content_files/vizyon2023/Vizyon2023_Strateji_Belgesi.pdf

WEB Resource

EU. (2005). A framework for qualifications of the European Higher Education Area. Access: http://www.ehea.info/

YÖK. (2018). Yükseköğretim istatistikleri. Erişim: https://istatistik.yok.gov.tr/

News Report

Strauss, V. (2017, August 17). U.S. News’s College Rankings face competition and criticism. The Washington Post. Access: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/08/16/AR2007081602537.html

Tamer, M. (2015, 26 Haziran). E-ticaret hamle yapmak için tüketiciyi bekliyor. Milliyet. Erişim: http://www.milliyet.com.tr/

The authors are deemed to have transferred all the copyrights of their published articles to the Journal of Theory & Practice in Education (EKU) journal. However, all responsibility of the articles published in the journal belongs to the authors. All or some of the articles submitted to the journal should not have been published elsewhere and should not be in the process of publication.

Manuscripts published in EKU must comply with Research and Publication Ethics. In articles, the recommendations of the ICMJE (International Committee of Medical Journal Editors) and the International Standards for Editors and Authors of COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) should be taken into account. In such cases as plagiarism, publishing by dividing, repeating publication etc., ethical violation happens. Necessary legal actions will be taken in case of ethical violations.

Ethical Approvals

Due to the rules regarding ethical approval(s) that started to be implemented by TR Index in 2020, the following documents should be attached to the article applications submitted to the Theory and Practice in Education (EKU) journal.

  1. Email documents showing that permission has been obtained from the person(s) who developed/adapted the data collection tool(s)/scale(s) used in the research.
  2. Ethical approval certificate obtained from the appropriate ethics committee of the university to which the author(s) is associated, using data collection tool(s)/scale(s) or for practice(s)/education(s) activities.
  3. Relevant ethical approval document and data collection tools (including scales) / official permission document from the institution where the application / data collection will be carried out to perform the application / training procedures.

We would like to point out that without these three documents, we have to return the articles to the author(s) without getting them to the textual similarity stage. We thank you for your understanding and send our best regards.

Ethical Principles and Duties for Editors

In line with the recommendations in the ICMJE (International Committee of Medical Journal Editors) and COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) systems adopted in the EKU, the editors are required to observe the following ethical principles and carry out their duties:

  1. Evaluating the content of the submitted article and examining whether there is a study that requires "ethical approval",
  2. Obtaining ethical approval document/information from the author for studies that require "Ethical Approval",
  3. Checking the textual similarity level of the submitted articles,
  4. After the textual similarity check, to take the article to the evaluation stage if it is related to his/her own expertise, to assign the article to the appropriate field editor if it is not related to his/her expertise,
  5. Assigning at least two peers to articles suitable for their expertise,
  6. To appoint the appropriate peers for the subject area of ​​the article in the peer assignment process,
  7. To observe the diversity in the institutional distribution of the peers during the peer appointment process,
  8. To follow the notifications of ethical violations from the peers,
  9. To operate one of the "Reject", "Revision" or "Accept" decisions according to the peer reports, unless there is a notification from the peers regarding ethical violation,
  10. Assigning the article to the third peer when there is a "Rejection" and a "Revision/Accept" proposal from the peers,
  11. In case a third peer-reviewer is appointed, to execute one of the "Reject", "Revision" or "Accept" decisions according to the evaluation of this reviewer,
  12. To follow the layout, language editing and doi assignment of accepted articles,
  13. To publish the final version of accepted articles in an appropriate number,
  14. To publish the necessary correction in the next issue or to withdraw the article from publication when an ethical violation is subsequently detected regarding the published articles.

Ethical Principles and Duties for Field Editors

In line with the recommendations of the ICMJE (International Committee of Medical Journal Editors) and COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) systems adopted in the EKU, field editors are required to observe the following ethical principles and carry out their duties:

  1. To assign at least two peer reviewers who are experts in the subject area of ​​the article,
  2. To observe the diversity in the institutional distribution of the peer reviewers in the peer appointment process,
  3. To follow the notifications of ethical violations from the peer reviewers,
  4. To operate one of the "Reject", "Revision" or "Accept" decisions according to the peer review reports, unless there is a notification from the peers in the direction of ethical violation,
  5. Assigning the article to the third peers when there is a "Rejection" and a "Revision/Accept" proposal from the peers,
  6. In case of appointment of a third peer reviewer, to execute one of the "Reject", "Revision" or "Accept" decisions according to the evaluation of this peer,
  7. To follow the layout, language editing and doi assignment of accepted articles,
  8. Notifying the relevant editor of an ethical violation, even after publication.

Ethical Principles and Duties for Peer-Reviewers

In line with the recommendations of the ICMJE (International Committee of Medical Journal Editors) and COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) systems adopted in the EKU, the peer reviewers are required to observe the following ethical principles and perform the duties:

  1. Reviewing whether the assigned article is compatible with the area of ​​expertise,
  2. Informing the relevant editor/field editor in case of any ethical violation in the article that he/she accepts as a peer reviewer,
  3. Evaluating the article for which he/she is accepted as a peer reviewer in terms of (i) originality and (ii) contribution to the field,
  4. To offer suggestions that will contribute to the development/quality of the article for which it is accepted as a peer reviewer,
  5. To detail the evaluations of the development/quality of the article for which he is accepted as a peer reviewer, in terms of (i) theoretical structure and (ii) methodological approach,
  6. To indicate the final proposal for the article for which he has accepted the peer reviewe ras one of the options "Reject", "Minor Revision", "Major Revision" or "Accept",
  7. To electronically direct all the evaluations and final suggestions regarding the development/quality of the article for which it is accepted as a peer revieweron the "e-Peer Evaluation Form" to the relevant editor/field editor.

Ethical Principles and Duties for Authors

In line with the recommendations of the ICMJE (International Committee of Medical Journal Editors) and COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) systems adopted in the EKU, the authors must observe the following ethical principles and fulfill their duties:

  1. To examine the EKU "Ethical Principles and Publication Policy" section before submitting the article,
  2. To prepare the articles in accordance with the EKU "Writing Rules" criteria,
  3. Checking the textual similarity before submitting the articles to the EKU,
  4. Uploading the above-mentioned "Ethical Approval", "Access Permission" and/or "Application Permission" documents together with their articles, if "Ethical Approval" is required for the work in their article,
  5. If "Ethical Approval" is not required for the work in their article, they should state it briefly (in one or two sentences) in their article or convey it to the editor in the note section,
  6. To include the previous presentation versions (if any) of the work in their article, the explanation on this subject if it was produced from a thesis, the notes to the person(s) they want to thank, and the statement about the source(s) from which they have obtained funding, in the "Cover Page" section,
  7. Uploading the "Cover Page" together with the articles but as a separate file,
  8. In addition to the "Article", "Cover Page", "Ethical Approval" sections, sign the EKU Copyright Form below and upload it in article applications,
  9. In case of a "revision" decision, to arrange the necessary updates/developments in line with the suggestions from the peer reviewers,
  10. In case of a "revision" decision, to record the actions and answers of the peer reviewers' suggestions in a separate document,
  11. In case of a "revision" decision, uploading the revised articles and the replies to the peer reviewers to the system as two separate files and forwarding them to the editor/field editor,
  12. In case of an "accept" decision, post-reading the mizzenpe articles and specifying the necessary corrections or giving approval for the publication,
  13. Notifying the relevant editor/area editor of an ethical violation, even after publication.

Copyright Form

During the application of the articles sent to the EKU journal, the "author copyright form" must be uploaded to the system by the corresponding author. Copyright form templates are listed below.

Author Copyright Form Turkish Version: Yazar_telif_formu.docx

Author Copyright Form English Version: author_agreement_form.docx

Publication Policy

The papers applied to the EKU must not have been previously published in any source. Abstracts presented previously or articles produced from thesis studies can be evaluated with the required information note. Special issue printing in EKU can be done with the decision of the editorial board. In special issues, editors from outside the EKU may also be invited, in accordance with the subject/scope, and may be asked to run the processes outlined below.

Blind reviewing (with the appointment of at least two peer reviewers) operates in the EKU. First of all, additional documents (cover page, ethical approval documents, copyright form, etc.) of the articles applied to the EKU are checked. After document control, articles are examined for textual similarity. The article that passes the textual similarity review is assigned to the editor. The editor can conduct his/her own review process or assign the article to the field editor. It is anticipated that this pre-operational processes will take approximately 1 month. With the appointment of a peer reviewer, the peer reviewers are given 15 days to accept the reviewer invitation. The reviewer who accepts the invitation is given a 1-month evaluation period. At the end of 1 month, an additional 15 days is given to the reviewers who request an extension. At the end of this period, the process of the reviewers who do not send their evaluations is terminated and a new reviewer is appointed, and the same period is given to the new reviewer. In addition, in case of a "Reject" and a "Minor/Major Revision" recommendation from the peer reviewers, a third reviewer is appointed and the same deadlines are given.

At the end of the period of approximately 3 months (maximum 9 months in case one of the first appointed reviewers does not produce an evaluation and/or a third reviewer is appointed) as stipulated above, if there is a "Revision" decision, the author is given 1 month for corrections. The corrections made by the author and the revised article can be sent back to the peer reviewers or decided by the editor / field editor. After the revision, the second round of peer review or editor evaluation is expected to be completed within 1 month.

It is envisaged that the layout, language editing, final reading-correction processes of the articles that are accepted will be completed within one or maximum 2 months of time. In this case, the article publication process in EKU is between 5-12 months.

No fee is charged for article application, referee evaluation, and printing processes in EKU. EKU, which does not charge under any name, supports The Budapest Open Access Initiative (BOAI). In this context, the articles published in the EKU are published with open access.

EKU Editorial Board

EKU Journal does not charge any fees for article submission, evaluation, and acceptance.